Monday, November 9, 2009

Why I Wish I were Katie Holmes, Annabelle Rama, and Lucy Torres

In college, I had a classmate who used to tell me that she remembers me every time she is able to watch “success stories” being told on television. This is likewise true of my closest friends in college ever since the “success stories” term was first coined to refer to that glorious moment. It was Tintol who first used the term when she excitedly told me about Annabelle Rama’s story that she saw on Sharon (I think) while waiting for our Econometrics class to start. I remember that we all had a good laugh when she first used the term. Then we started to exchange other “success stories”.

Success happens when a favorable outcome occurs. In the “success stories” context, the probability of success is so small that “success” is synonymous with luck. One can also say that in the “success stories” context, the odds favoring success is so small that words associated with the impossible such as miracle or magic are more appropriate. There are just so many external factors at play. That is why the rational response to this kind of event is not to be hopeful to rid oneself of future distress. So what is this favorable outcome? Hint: Katie Holmes, Annabelle Rama, and Lucy Torres.

What do these ladies have in common? Aside from their good looks, they once had a celebrity crush. When they started eyeing the man of their dreams, they were not yet famous. Who would have thought then that these ladies would marry the man that they admired from afar, that somehow the paths of these ladies and their eye candies would cross and find themselves in love? These ladies sure have a success story to tell.

I bet these ladies had the boldness to turn on their girly charm when the moment they had been praying for finally came. I could imagine them overcoming the tendency to become nervous and panicky that naturally come with the high of meeting the person with whom they had wished to share their life with. These ladies were courageous enough not to let the moment pass. They responded accordingly by not letting their anxieties and reservations to hinder them from pursuing overtly or subtly the most coveted person in their eyes.

These ladies are extra lucky, because aside from having the opportunity to meet their crush and being able to respond gracefully, they were also successful in captivating the person they so desired. The likelihood for all three events to be satisfied is remote, which is why the love story from the perspective of the hopeful warrants the “success story” term.

I just hope and pray that when the time comes (I believe it will!) for me to meet “the one”, the favorable outcome of the succeeding events would follow.