Saturday, February 19, 2011

2011 Challenge No. 2044258

This was emailed to me last Wednesday morning.  It made my day.

Thanks for sharing, Memots!

It's an invite from Memots to start training for our first 21 K run this year.  Although I still don't want to leave the 10 K comfort zone, this gave me something to look forward to.  
Memots and I want to make our half marathon run as fun and safe as possible, and so cutting corners is not an option.   With this goal in sight, we've decided to run regularly and do things gradually.  Not to mention our intention to religiously do our warm up/cool down routines every run.
Tomorrow I will start my training.   On Wednesday night, we are scheduled to run in UP.  We are also planning to register for our first 2011 race this March.  I'm so excited! 
Now I  have a very good reason to start sleeping early.

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